The Exciting Journey of Creating Our Future-Ready Educator Packages for Educators in British Columbia!

At Build a Biz Kids, we have been busy putting together our Future-Ready Educator Packages in preparation for our first deliveries to schools, libraries, and non-profits in British Columbia! This was our incredible journey!

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Gratitude for the Canadian Red Cross Society

The Canadian Red Cross has been utilizing their resources to support local communities and non-profit organizations across Canada during the Covid-19 pandemic. Build a Biz Kids has been immensely fortunate in receiving grants this past year from the Red Cross, allowing us to provide over 1000 children across Canada with access to practical online education.

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Never Tell Your Child They Are Smart

I, like many parents, have an innate fear that I will screw up my child in some way. One day, I will say that one thing that completely screws them up. I will be having a bad day, my patience will be low and BAM. It will fly out of my mouth and I will never be able to take it back. Their confidence will plumit, they will throw it back at me when they are 18 and angry at me, and any sadness they have, I know it will because I failed them that day.  Well, that may happen, but I have something significantly more scary to share with you.

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This KidPreneur Has More Ingenuity Than Most Adult-Preneurs

Over the years consulting with assorted businesses owners, understanding that success is in their hands is one they want to believe int he good times, but when it get's tough, their commentary can change to all sorts of justifying or complaining. My competitor is poaching my clients. Customers don't understand why my products are so good. The stores wont return my calls and buy my product. My Sales Reps wont do what I tell them to.  And the list goes on

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