News & Media

Support, Education and Resources

7 Inspiring Female Asian Entrepreneurs

Female entrepreneurs in Asia are making huge strides in business. They continue to shatter stereotypes while jumping over hurdles and adversities set before them. Here are 7 Asian Female Entrepreneurs making beautiful products that you should be aware of!

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Support, Education and Resources

Remote Volunteering During a Pandemic

A global pandemic doesn’t necessarily imply total isolation from the community. Technology has allowed remote volunteer work to become a new norm for many organizations. Find out about the many ways to remotely volunteer and safely get involved in your community!

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Mission Based Stories, Updates, Good News

Everything you need to know about the Universal Broadband Fund

The digital divide is more prominent than ever before, and the Universal Broadband Fund is Canada’s response to this impending issue facing our society. This article tells you everything you need to know about the Universal Broadband Fund and other similar Canadian initiatives.

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Program and Event Updates

A Parent’s Guide to 2021 Summer Camps

SUMMER 2021 IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER and you might be getting worried about what options are available for your kids in terms of summer camps and activities. Kids everywhere are gearing up for the end of the school year, which means that parents need to start thinking about what Covid Summer Camp options are available.

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International News, Zees, Updates

6 Tips for Teaching Your Child About Investing

Money management and financial literacy is extremely important for children to understand, and is often something that schools do not introduce until much later or not at all! This article provides 6 helpful tips that you should keep in mind when teaching investing to your kids.

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Mission Based Stories, Updates, Good News

6 Female Entrepreneurs Under 30

Female Entrepreneurs in British Columbia continue to prove their potential and strength in their successful small businesses. These 6 women under 30 years old are doing great things in their local communities and throughout Canada!

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Gratitude for the Canadian Red Cross Society

The Canadian Red Cross has been utilizing their resources to support local communities and non-profit organizations across Canada during the Covid-19 pandemic. Build a Biz Kids has been immensely fortunate in receiving grants this past year from the Red Cross, allowing us to provide over 1000 children across Canada with access to practical online education.

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