Don’t Be a Dreamer

“You see that widget over there? I came up with that idea 10 years ago and should be rich…”

“I have this great idea. I’m totally going to make it this year. It’s going to be HUGE….”

“I’m writing a book. When did I start writing it? Oh, about 12 years ago. I just need the time to get it done and it will be a best seller….”

Do any of these sound familiar? Maybe you know someone who sounds like this, maybe that person is you. These are the statements of ideas that have expired and concepts lacking action. They are statements from dreamers.

Now don’t get me wrong, dreaming is great! Have lots of dreams, be creative and get inspired. But without action, you are missing out on more than just potentially a lot of money. You are missing out on internal fulfillment, exponential learning, greater perspective, and personal growth.

Our KidPreneur programs at Build a Biz Kids are focused on entrepreneurship, yes, but more importantly, they are about capturing ideas and immediately taking action in a supportive and encouraging environment. If we can teach kids to take action on their uninhibited ideas at an early age, just think of how much experience, growth, perspective, not to mention good old fashion self awareness they will have by the time they graduate high school!

Our greatest hope for our students is that they learn to identify areas of concern in their communities, seek possible solutions, and then rally those around them to take action. It can be a business venture, or it could be to help the elderly man down the street with his lawn mowing, or raising money for their local animal shelter, writing letters to their mayor about improving their schools and the list goes on.

We no longer want to raise dreamers, but rather, change makers. Kids who are taking action because they have the confidence, knowledge, and experience to do so.

For more information on our Kid Entrepreneurship programming for the summer, or coming up in September with after school programs, please visit Our programs were designed by entrepreneurs & parents for kids ages 7-12 years. We believe these are crucial years where their ideas are still unleashed and their confidence is prime for development.