How to Instill a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is one that enjoys a challenge, doesn't give up and believes that they can learn and accomplish anything with the right effort, focus and practice. As a parent, you have a significant amount of influence on whether they will develop a strong growth mindset. No Pressure, right?! We want to help. Using the right language is one of the biggest, if not the most effective, method for...

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Our Box of Good News

This last News Years our family started a new tradition. It was something you may have seen on Pintrest or other idea boards. It’s the Jar of Good News! For those of you unfamiliar, this is a jar where you place your happy moments and accomplishments that you experience throughout your year and then on New Years Eve, you go through them one by one to reflect & relive those moments all over again. Neat right? Here’s the thing. Last year we

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