Aim Higher to Achieve More: How A Charity Grew by 15x With Less

Since 2018, BizKids Registered Charity has been running successful future-ready programs for children that taught entrepreneurship, financial literacy, public speaking, digital literacy, STEM and more, but something wasn’t adding up.…

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The Exciting Journey of Creating Our Future-Ready Educator Packages for Educators in British Columbia!

At Build a Biz Kids, we have been busy putting together our Future-Ready Educator Packages in preparation for our first deliveries to schools, libraries, and non-profits in British Columbia! This was our incredible journey!

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Never Tell Your Child They Are Smart

I, like many parents, have an innate fear that I will screw up my child in some way. One day, I will say that one thing that completely screws them up. I will be having a bad day, my patience will be low and BAM. It will fly out of my mouth and I will never be able to take it back. Their confidence will plumit, they will throw it back at me when they are 18 and angry at me, and any sadness they have, I know it will because I failed them that day.  Well, that may happen, but I have something significantly more scary to share with you.

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Our Box of Good News

This last News Years our family started a new tradition. It was something you may have seen on Pintrest or other idea boards. It’s the Jar of Good News! For those of you unfamiliar, this is a jar where you place your happy moments and accomplishments that you experience throughout your year and then on New Years Eve, you go through them one by one to reflect & relive those moments all over again. Neat right? Here’s the thing. Last year we

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