KCC Student & Parent Resource Page

Class 3 & 4 - Canva Tutorials

NOTE: Canva is continually updating their software and therefore some of the tutorial videos may not look exactly the same as your account, but the same functions and ability will still apply.

Canva Tips & Tricks

Designing Support Materials – Class 5

  • Click on “Create New Design” to start a new Canva Document.
    • To design Handouts, Worksheets, Ebooks, etc. search for “Worksheet” or “Flyer” Templates in either landscape or portrait 8.5” x 11”. 
    • To design Slideshows – Search for “Presentations” in the 16:9 ratio
  • Once your new Canva file is open, Canva will provide template layouts to help you get started and gain inspiration. 
  • Using the search bar over “Templates”, you can find examples of worksheets, templates, instruction sheets and more.
    • Reminder: You can change the colours, images, text and positioning on all of the templates to suit your course. 
  • Once you complete each of their Support Materials, they can download their handouts, worksheets and ebooks as Print PDFs in Canva in preparation for uploading to Thinkific.
    • Presentations (Slideshows) can be downloaded as Print PDFs as well.

Making a Thumbnail – Class 6

  • Based on the previous slideshow’s examples of Thumbnail images, you can log into your Canva accounts and design your own Thumbnail. 
  • Search for “Youtube Thumbnail” as a document type.
    • An easy way to do this is by editing Thumbnail templates already included in Canva. There are a LOT of them in there and they are already designed to be very eye-catching and effective.

Creating a Logo – Class 7  

  • Login to your Canva.com accounts to design your logo
  • For Thinkific’s platform, a horizontal logo will work best.
    • Create a Custom Size Template – 500x250pixels

Class 6 & 7 - Thinkific Tutorials

NOTE: Thinkific is continually updating their software and therefore some of the tutorial videos may not look exactly the same as your account, but the same functions and abilities will still apply.

Thinkific Tips & Tricks

Basics of Setting Up Your Course Website – Class 6

    • Edit Default Course – Navigate to Manage Learning Products > Courses > Click on Course Marked “Draft”
    • Change Course Name & URL – Click on Settings > Change Course Name & URL
      • You can input a new name and URL in the boxes provided and SAVE.
  • Add Course Image & Description – Scroll down to the Course Image & Description
    • Upload a desired course image
    • Upload their course description 
    • SAVE Settings

Uploading Your Course – Class 6

  • Edit Class Names – Edit Course > Click on Chapter 1 > Edit Chapter Title > Save
    • Add More Classes – Add Chapter > Click on Untitled Chapter > Edit Chapter Title > Save
      • Refer to each class’s outcome to create a name for your classes. 
    • Once all of your classes have been created, you can start adding content. Content can be added by going from class to class and uploading content, or you can use the Bulk Importer which is usually faster. 
    • Uploading Content – Bulk Importer > Drag and Drop or Upload Video and PDF Files for each course
  • Editing or Modifying Content Organization – Curriculum > Click on Content:
    • Change content title/name
    • For videos, add additional text or instructions
    • Delete a piece of contentt
    • Change order of content by dragging and dropping
  • Make Course Free – Pricing > Free

Editing Your Course Website – Class 7

  • Changing Landing Page Colours – Build Landing Page > Theme Settings > Colors > Save all changes made.
    • You can change the:
      • Background Colour – Changes the top and bottom header.
      • Page (Primary) – Main content background colour.
      • Page (Secondary) – Call To Action section background colour.
  • Add a Logo (Optional) – Back to Build Landing Page > Page > Header > Logo:
    • You can create a logo in Canva if they like/time permitting and upload it here. Depending on the shape and size, they can modify the size using the toggle bar. 
  • Change Call To Action – Back to Build a Landing Page > Page > Call To Action (Course) > Save all changes made:
    • Students can modify the:
      • Headings – Modify the Heading and Subheading.
      • Background & Layout – Change colour from the previously selected Primary or Secondary Colours.
      • Button – Change the Call to Action language.

Previewing Your Course – Class 7

  • Once you have uploaded your content and designed their Landing Pages, you can Preview your course.
    • Preview Course – Back to Edit Course > Preview.
      • The preview will open in a new window and allow you to see what their course will look like to students who are taking it. 

Publishing Your Course – Class 7

  • Once you’re are happy with your course, you can publish it, if your parent/guardian has given permission. By publishing it, anyone in the world can take your course if they have the direct URL. 
  • Publishing Course – Publish > Published > Save.
  • View Course & Landing Page – Now your course is ready to be shared! There are 2 ways to find your Landing Page link to share with friends.
    • 1. Back to Edit Course > Settings > Link found under Course URL.
    • 2. Back to Manage Learning Products > Courses > Hover over Thumbnail for course and click on the top right corner on the Share Your Course Image > Select Copy Link.