Apply For The 2024 Canadian Future-Ready Education Grant (CFREG)

Grant Application is OPEN
** Please note that funding for this program has been concluded. All grant applications submitted will be placed on a waiting list and contacted once the next round of funding has come in.

Description: The Canadian Future-Ready Education Grant has been designed to support educators and students (7-13 years) in developing transferrable skills relevant to today’s fast paced world. This Grant provides eligible schools & organizations with future-ready programs that include both physical and digital curriculum, videos, tools, materials and resources designed to be used in a classroom or as an afterschool/camp program. Programs cover topics, such as:

        • Entrepreneurship & Business
        • Financial Literacy
        • Digital Literacy
        • Public Speaking
        • Emotional Intelligence
        • Innovation & more

Each program focuses on flexing over 70+ Human Essential Soft Skills (HESS) and a wide variety of technical skills in students. Programs are designed to meet mandated provincial curriculum requirements and offer support within the programs to educators for delivering each program’s topic, and to help with student engagement in the classroom. For additional information on what is included in each program, Click Here

Deadlines: Grant Intake Period Closes 11:59pm July 31, 2024 (Subscribe to our Newsletter Below to be notified about ongoing updates to the CFREG Grant)

Amount: In-Kind Grant Package includes $8,000 in physical and digital materials designed for every teacher or volunteer within a school or organization to access.
This includes up to 10 user logins to the Digital Education Platform, BizKids HQ. This is where each programs videos, curriculum, and other classroom learning resources are available; full colour printed lesson plans for each program, Facilitator binders with learning materials included for easy photocopying; parent communication email templates, Bonus Growth Mindset Facilitator Course; ongoing updates to each program as they are released.

Eligibility: Applicants must be a Canadian Public School, Public Library, Public Community Centre/Recreation Centre, Registered Non Profit Organization, or Registered Charity. Private schools, schools that charge an inaccessible fee for students to attend or for-profit organizations do not qualify for this grant but can license programs directly HERE

Requirements: School or Organization must meet the following requirements in order to be eligible. Once your School/Organization has been approved and as long as you continue to meet the eligibility requirements, you will be automatically approved for the following years grant without having to reapply:

      • Run a minimum of 2 Future-Ready BizKids Programs between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025 or,
      • Have a minimum of 50 students participate in BizKids Programs between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025.
      • Programs must have minimal to no barriers for students to participate. A student registration fee can be charged but no profit can be earned and the fee must be accessible.
      • School/Organization cannot distribute BizKids programming to unauthorized 3rd parties outside of the school/organization without written consent from Build a Biz Kids. All program content is copyright of BizKids Practical Education ASSN 2024.
      • Complete an annual survey on program use and reach. See next section on Reporting & Annual Approval.

Reporting & Annual Approval: If approved for the Canadian Future-Ready Education Grant, you will be required to complete a survey, provided by Build a Biz Kids by email, by July 31, 2025 to confirm that you met the requirements (listed above). For more information on this survey, watch our Grant Webinar Recording Click Here
If your school/organization completes the survey by the deadline and meet the requirements (listed above), your school/organization will automatically be qualified and approved for next years grant without having to resubmit a grant application. 
If you will be running programs before the end of June 30, 2024, a, interim survey will also be sent to gain insight on the reach you have had with the programs to date but will have no eligibility requirements.

Grant Made Possible By: Build a Biz Kids is able to provide this grant to schools and organizations across Canada for free through the Canadian Future-Ready Education Grant thanks to the generous contributions from all of our donors. For a complete list, Click Here

Preview Grant Application Here

Have questions about the Canadian Future-Ready Education Grant? Contact us at [email protected]   

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As an Educator, You Do So Much...

And often with limited resources. 

The Canadian Future-Ready Education Grant was designed to support Educators, as much as Students.

Learn More About The Canadian Education Grant & Programs

Chapter Timestamps

0:00 Intro
0:35 Purpose Of This Grant
4:00 About The Funder
5:50 What is Included in Grant
9:52 Eligibility for Grant
12:32 Annual Reporting
14:01 Community Engagement
15:35 FAQs
18:30 Donor Appreciation
18:56 Grant Application Review

Future-Ready Programs Included In This Grant

Entrepreneurship & Business

The Ultimate Soft Skill Builder! Guide students through an entrepreneurial journey from product ideation, prototyping, packaging, branding, marketing, profitability, sales, customer service and so much more! All of their hard work and creativity is unleashed at their BizKids Market where they get to make real money from real customers!

In Person Delivery

7 - 13yrs

8 Classes

60-75min Classes

Public Speaking & Speech Writing

Premium Course for Developing all Communication Based Soft Skills and a Powerhouse for Flexing Their Self Awareness, Self Assessment, and Self Confidence. This course is structured to help even the most shy students get excited about sharing their ideas on stage through thoughtful preparation, ongoing self reflection and passion for their topic.

In Person Delivery

9 – 13yrs

8 Classes

60-75min Classes

Digital Literacy - E-Commerce Website

This Digital Literacy Course is a great way to flex communication, empathy and forethought. This "No Code" E-Commerce Website is a great way to help students understand the fundamentals of online communication, while adding a business component to introduce logistics, consumer experience, branding and design.

In Person Delivery

9 – 13yrs

8 Classes

60-75min Classes

Digital Literacy & Leadership Development

In this course, students become the teacher as they embark upon creating their own online course on a hobby or skill they are passionate about! Student's leadership, communication, planning, empathy and patience will be engaged as their confidence grows by realizing they can help others flourish by sharing their passion and knowledge with the world.

In Person Delivery


8 Classes

60-75min Classes

Hear What Educators Are Saying

Included in The Canadian Future-Ready Education Grant

Thanks to the generous contributions by Canadian donors and sponsors, we are able to provide schools and non profit organizations with access to robust, future-ready programming, tools and resources. This grant is worth an ongoing $8k value in materials, tools and funding each year that you qualify. 

10+ User Logins to Online Platform (BizKids HQ)

Gain quick access to all of your programs, tools, videos, lesson plans and more on BizKids HQ. With your own user login, it will keep your place for "Quick Launch" of everything you need, exactly where you left it, each class.

Priority Access to Regional Events For Your Students

Each year, students who want to pursue their businesses, innovations and speeches on a bigger stage can apply to our BizKids Regional Events before it opens to the public.

Access to BizKids Future-Ready Courses

Both digital and physical materials, tools and resources will be provided to each school/organization, including lesson plans, student workbooks, videos, activity module tools, parent communication resources, and more.
Programs are designed to integrate with the mandated curriculum.

Programs included in each Future-Ready Education Grant:
* KidPreneur Accelerator - Business & Financial Literacy (Grades 2-9)
* KidTalks - Public Speaking (Grades 4-9)
* Build an Online Business - Digital Literacy (Grades 4-9)
* (Coming Soon) Kids Course Creator - Digital Literacy (Grades 2-9)
* (Coming Soon) Innovation Challenge - Innovation & Prototyping (Grades 4-9)

Each Program Includes:

Printed Full Colour Lesson Plans

* Colour printed and bound copies of each lesson plan.
* Unique "Easy Flow" layout so the information you need jumps off the page.
* Digital lesson plan file included.

Student Workbooks

* Digital File for printing.
* Designed for black & white or colour printing.

Lesson Module Game Pieces

* Binder for each course with printed materials ready to photocopy
* Digital files for all game pieces and tools for lesson modules.
* Designed for black & white or colour printing.

Kids Teaching Kids Videos

* Animated & Live Action, engaging and educational videos.
* "BizKid Hosts" in videos are all previous BizKids Graduates under 16 yrs.

Course Tools & Resources

* Slideshows and other visual aids are provided.
* Organizer & Facilitator Success Tips
* Event Planning & Material Checklists
* Meet Provincial Curriculum Requirements with "Program Snap Shots"
for each grade & program (BC only, more Provinces coming soon)

Parent Communication

* Parent email templates to send after each lesson.
* Reinforce learning at home with family bonding game suggestions.

Always Up-To-Date Content & Links

* Access ongoing program updates and advancements each year.
* Updated materials, videos and resources digitally & physically delivered as they come out.
* Always Active Links - Never lose access to your programs and content (access will only be revoked if programs are no longer being utilized or your organizations eligibility has changed)