The Slimers! Meet Nate, Miranda & Vince!

"That problem is already solved", "I already have something like that", "No one needs another one of those on the market"..... Yup, we have all found ourselves saying something like that before, I'm sure. Another onion chopping thingy or a new kind of water bottle, there seem to be so many products that all solve the same problem.... or is there? Meet Nate, Miranda and Vince who I am calling our 2019 Slimers!  Slime is nothing new. We had it as kids and now our kids have it too. Kids love it and for many, they can find relaxation and therapeutic relief from holding it. 

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This KidPreneur Has More Ingenuity Than Most Adult-Preneurs

Over the years consulting with assorted businesses owners, understanding that success is in their hands is one they want to believe int he good times, but when it get's tough, their commentary can change to all sorts of justifying or complaining. My competitor is poaching my clients. Customers don't understand why my products are so good. The stores wont return my calls and buy my product. My Sales Reps wont do what I tell them to.  And the list goes on

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