The Exciting Journey of Creating Our Future-Ready Educator Packages for Educators in British Columbia!

At Build a Biz Kids, we have been busy putting together our Future-Ready Educator Packages in preparation for our first deliveries to schools, libraries, and non-profits in British Columbia! This was our incredible journey!

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2020 BBK Experience Calendar!

We have an events and opportunities list that is growing and growing but here is what you can expect so far! If you would like any information about any of the specific events, stay tuned as they are announced, or reply to this email. Some events require applications or tickets, some will have limited space and some are complete open!

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The Slimers! Meet Nate, Miranda & Vince!

"That problem is already solved", "I already have something like that", "No one needs another one of those on the market"..... Yup, we have all found ourselves saying something like that before, I'm sure. Another onion chopping thingy or a new kind of water bottle, there seem to be so many products that all solve the same problem.... or is there? Meet Nate, Miranda and Vince who I am calling our 2019 Slimers!  Slime is nothing new. We had it as kids and now our kids have it too. Kids love it and for many, they can find relaxation and therapeutic relief from holding it. 

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Meet Alexa! This Weeks KidPreneur Profile!!

Alexa started with us at just 10 years old in our Lemonade Stand Challenge Summer Camp with her brother. Her camp worked hard and was divided girls against the boys. Together, both teams created their own business strategies and launch their businesses to raise funds for the great local Charity, Starfish Pack! Altogether, these students raised a HUGE $490 in their 1 week camp!!! WOW! 

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This KidPreneur Has More Ingenuity Than Most Adult-Preneurs

Over the years consulting with assorted businesses owners, understanding that success is in their hands is one they want to believe int he good times, but when it get's tough, their commentary can change to all sorts of justifying or complaining. My competitor is poaching my clients. Customers don't understand why my products are so good. The stores wont return my calls and buy my product. My Sales Reps wont do what I tell them to.  And the list goes on

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Our Box of Good News

This last News Years our family started a new tradition. It was something you may have seen on Pintrest or other idea boards. It’s the Jar of Good News! For those of you unfamiliar, this is a jar where you place your happy moments and accomplishments that you experience throughout your year and then on New Years Eve, you go through them one by one to reflect & relive those moments all over again. Neat right? Here’s the thing. Last year we

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